MTJF is a foundation promoting Anglo-Japanese friendship through academic and human exchanges, development programme, and other activities which are based on the principles of Margaret Thatcher.
The purpose of the MTJF is to find and facilitate new areas of engagement between the UK and Japan that will bring practical benefits to both countries.
The MTJF plans `collaboration programmes` in niche, perhaps scientific, areas; an `international leadership programme` to help develop the skills of future leaders; an annual seminar; and the awarding of prizes.
The MTJF is based on the wish of HIH Prince Tomohito of Mikasa to develop friendly relations between the UK and Japan; was established with the approval of Lady Thatcher`s Office and the introduction of the University of Buckingham; and was registered as a general incorporated foundation in Japan in October 2013.
Representatives and senior members of academic institutions, charitable bodies, as well as former ambassadors, and distinguished business people are serving as members of the boards and the advisory council.